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How to Protect Your Pool Cover From Heavy Snow
1.Maintain a reasonable water level
To make sure your pool cover doesn’t collapse into the pool during winter, maintain a reasonable water level. Double check it to make sure the cover rests approximately halfway up the skimmer box. This creates equilibrium between the water pressure in the pool and the weight of the snow on top of the pool cover. If the water level is too low, then you risk pool floor and liner damage should the cover fall in.

2.Remove water with a pool cover pump
Consider purchasing a pool cover pump to help remove excess water from the top of the winter cover. If you notice a thin layer of water on the pool cover, retrieve your cover pump and remove the water quickly. When the temperatures in your area really start to decrease, the water will freeze and cause the cover to fall through instead. All you need to do is observe the cover on a daily basis and make sure too much water isn’t collecting on top. If you notice a large amount of water collecting, removing it with the pool cover pump as soon as possible is key.

3.Use caution when removing snow from pool covers
If you have an inground pool, the weight of the snow may cause your cover to stretch and as this continues, it will create small tears and holes over time. If you own an above ground pool, then the snow on top of your cover will begin to pull and stretch your pool walls towards the middle. This particular type of damage is rather expensive, because you now have to worry about the pool wall, pool liner and pool fence all breaking under the pressure.

Whether you have a cheap pool cover or a more expensive cover, you need to remove the snow gently. Use a regular broom to gently brush the snow off the cover. Do not push or move the snow in a rough manner as this may result in damage in the long run. We do not recommend using a shovel or any object with sharp edges. If a sharp object pushes against the cover, you risk tearing it all the way through.

By following these helpful tips, you can get the most out of your pool cover all winter long, even if you live in an area that experiences heavy snows. The keys to remember are to start with a high quality pool cover and to regularly inspect the area all winter long for signs of damage. Doing so will make it much easier to open your pool for next year’s swimming season and will help to protect your pool from damage.
