Calculating Pool Capacity:It is important to know your pool’s capacity in order to calculate the proper quantity of chemicals to use in maintaining water that is clear and sanitized. The chart at the right guides you in determining capacity for the shape and size of your pool.
Rectangular pool:Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total Gallons
Oval Pool:Long Diameter x Short Diameter x Average Depth x 5.9 = Total Gallons
Circular Pool:Diameter x Diameter x Average Depth x 5.9 = Total Gallons
Chlorine:Chlorine disinfectant is the most common sanitizer in pools. Chlorine residual (chlorine remaining after all reactions and dissipations have occurred) is measured in parts per million (ppm). The ideal range is 1.0 to 3.0 ppm.
Bromine:An Alternative sanitizer to chlorine, bromine is not as harsh on skin, eyes, hair and swim wear as chlorine. Bromine residual is measure in ppm. The ideal range is 3.0 to 4.0 ppm
pH:pH level is the acid/base content of water. Proper levels should be maintained in order to prevent eye/skin irritation as well as surface and equipment damage.The ideal range is 7.2 to 7.6 ppm
Total Alkalinity:Total Alkalinity is the measure of certain minerals in the pool water. These minerals act as a buffering agent that allow for the control of pH levels. The ideal range is 100 to 150 ppm (plaster pools) 175 to 250 ppm (fiber glass, vinyl or painted pools)

Calcium Hardness:Calcium hardness is the level of calcium and magnesium minerals in the water. These minerals exist naturally in all water. 225 to 300 ppm (gunite pools) 175 to 250 ppm (fiberglass, vinyl or painted pools)
Stabilizing Chemicals:Stabilizers prevent ultra-violet rays of the sun from prematurely dissipating chlorine. Also referred to as cyanuric acid. The ideal range is 40 to 60 ppm.